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SU Board of Trustees Update: Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity

An update from Lauren, Chair of the SU Board of Trustees, on the SU's next steps for equality, diversity, and inclusivity.

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In line with our Here Together strategy and priorities, the Falmouth and Exeter Students’ Union Board of Trustees have worked together to shape a statement of intent with regards to equality, diversity, and inclusivity.  This isn’t just a statement that will sit on our website; it provides us with guidance and clarity to drive us forward.
Over the coming year, we plan to carry out a benchmark review using external expertise to create a three-year action plan which will ensure all Students’ Union work is in line with this statement, and monitor continuous recognition, consideration, and improvement within our services, to ensure we support and empower all our members.

EDI statement of intent

As a membership organisation we represent and should be representative of all student members. As an educational charity, we have a responsibility to enhance the education of students regarding liberation, social justice and equality, diversity and inclusivity. We aim to develop beyond compliance to play a key role in encouraging future development which benefit all within society.

We view equality, diversity and inclusivity as both an integral and important part of our charity; helping us to create a sense of belonging and community within and across our student membership. We know we are on a developmental journey and recognise that we are creating this statement of intent to guide us in into the future.

We want to operate with respect and compassion, proactively listening and working with people with lived experience, using data to inform our work and celebrating the diversity that we have within both ours, and our partner organisations together.

As a Board, we believe equality, diversity and inclusivity should shape how we, and the whole Charity operate, underpinning every decision and all of our work as a constant. We want to move beyond regulation and compliance, learning from best practice ensuring that we develop our approaches.

We recognise inequalities that can exist within our work and want to be informed and reflective, remaining conscious of our individual privileges within our work to become better allies within the context of social justice. We want the voice of minority and marginalised students and staff to be embedded within our equality, diversity and inclusivity work and will encourage our partner Universities to keep on being better within this space.


Lauren Taylor
President Student Experience and Chair of the Board of Trustees 2022/23



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Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union
Penryn Campus
Penryn, Cornwall
TR10 9FE

© Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union 2021

Falmouth & Exeter Students’ Union is a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) registered in England and Wales, charity number 1193045