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Presidents Update: Kira Orchard

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Photo of Kira Orchard, President Welfare and Inclusivity 22/23.

I just want to update some progress on the ‘We Bleed’ campaign – thank you to everyone who has given some positive feedback about using the products and having them available.

Also, a mahoosive thank you to the FXPlus facilities team for implementing the ‘We Bleed’ campaign and keeping me updated on the next steps. Since October, we have saved students a whopping £7.5K on period products! Hopefully, next academic year the campaign will be implemented campus-wide on both Falmouth and Penryn.

Another fantastic win is if you’re in shared accommodation in Glasney, you might notice that you have a new bin in your bathroom!

Thanks to the work of two students, Jordan and Nicole, the accommodation team have purchased an extra bin for every shared accommodation room. They surveyed over 100 students on their experiences with access to period products and the absence of bins within accommodation bathrooms. They found that 95% thought that “…sanitary bins should be provided as default in all bathrooms across university and accommodation.”

With one student saying that the bins would “…provide an aid to hygiene for some, separating disposal of bathroom related products to everyday waste. Overall, the bins provide a small difference, for myself at least…”

This allows students to dispose of period products more discreetly within the shared rooms as well as providing the solution in a way that does not put the cost onto the students themselves.

The SU is for period dignity for everyone!


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Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union
Penryn Campus
Penryn, Cornwall
TR10 9FE

© Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union 2021

Falmouth & Exeter Students’ Union is a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) registered in England and Wales, charity number 1193045