Democracy Review

Since 2019, the SU has been undertaking an in-depth review of the democratic models and systems that we use. We're looking for student input on the next steps of transforming your union.
A group of SU staff gather around a table talking to students at the Welcome fair.

What is a Democracy Review?

The SU Democracy Review is an in-depth evaluation and reform of the SU's democratic structure. The review includes all levels of representation at the students’ union and the mechanisms used to get people into roles and let you share your ideas and opinions. This means that president roles, part time officer roles, course reps, Make a Change, the Octopus tool and more have all been considered and compared to alternative models and structures.

What has the SU done so far?

Following feedback from students, multiple President teams and SU Staff, we have seen areas which could be improved to empower our members further. The two main areas of focus we have found are our democratic models, and the structure of our President Team.

How can I get involved in the Democracy Review?

This will be taking place over multiple stages, with the first being a review of the current roles of our President Team, and where we want to hear from you!

All through November, we will be running focus groups, online polls and so much more.  
Come along to one of these sessions to share your ideas about the democracy review!

28 November 14:30 - 15:30 Online Via Teams - Join Here  

30 November 11:00 - 12:00 in Exchange Courtyard Room 09

If you have any ideas, opinions or just want to get involved but can’t make it to these sessions, you can read through the Democracy Information pack and get in touch with us at or!

What are the next steps?

In 2023, the next stage will be to gather feedback on our democratic structures and potential new frameworks.

As part of this page, you will be able keep up to date with all the work that we have been doing around the Democracy Review, and any updates, documents or posts will be hosted here, so do keep checking in.

Democracy Information pack  

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Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union
Penryn Campus
Penryn, Cornwall
TR10 9FE

© Falmouth & Exeter Students' Union 2021

Falmouth & Exeter Students’ Union is a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) registered in England and Wales, charity number 1193045